NTB 2015 Season
Post date: Apr 17, 2015 1:52:31 AM
Well, the kick off party has happened, the music has been sorted by our hard working librarian, Sarah, and we are back to playing music again. A number of new people have joined our ranks and the sound is wonderful. We've added some new tunes such as Fanfare for the Common Man and brought back some oldies but goodies such as Sabre Dance. I know that we are a performing band but it often feels like we are a bunch of friends that love hanging out together and making music.
When I first started directing the Nelson Town Band I wondered if I would miss playing an instrument in the band. Well it surprised me that I find conducting and, in particular, running rehearsals to be an incredible musical experience. Years of conducting have honed my hearing so that I can pick up rhythmic and tonal detail that I didn't even realize I was missing. There is such reward in hearing a piece come together and sound like what I hear in my head. I feel so passionate about the music and I try hard to put that out there. I am humbled by the trust the band has(or pretends to have) in my direction. I watch and listen to other directors to try to improve my communication from the podium. The possibilities seem endless.
I'm really looking forward to our concert season. We have lots of great gigs on our schedule and the band sounds great. Our trailer is is getting a roof makeover and we are going to look sharp and sound great at our parades. Cheers!